XenServer create and mount the local SR ISO file storage

SSH login Xenserver。

1) Check the volume group information:
# vgdisplay

2) Write down VGname:

3) Create a logical volume allocation size and naming and formatting:
# lvcreate -L 20G -n iso VG_XenStorage-a009e816-aa69-b507-71bf-b89409c63793
# mkfs.ext3 /dev/VG_XenStorage-a009e816-aa69-b507-71bf-b89409c63793/iso

5) Create a local mount directory
# mkdir /iso

6) Edit / etc / fstab settings automatically mount the logical volume
# vi / etc / fstab

Add the following
/dev/VG_XenStorage-a009e816-aa69-b507-71bf-b89409c63793/iso /iso ext3 defaults 0 0

7) Mount the logical volume
# mount /iso

8) Create iso xenserver local library(SR store)
# xe sr-create name-label=iso type=iso device-config:location=/iso device-config:legacy_mode=true contente-type=iso

9) Xenserver mount iso
# xe-mount-iso-sr /iso -o bind

This process is completed,cd / iso wegt ISO file system,
After creating a virtual machine(VM)Time,In the process of installation media that you can choose to install to the corresponding mount iso。


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